I’ve always been interested in exploring places off the beaten path and that often means riding on gravel or dirt roads. In 2016 Stuart Kirk and I rode the Great Divide Ride in Colorado, taking small roads as close to the Continental Divide as possible, and it turned out to be one of the most enjoyable trips I have taken. We were away from traffic and towns of any size, immersed in the country side, and meeting folks and seeing things we never would have experienced on the highways.
So when the Back Country Discovery Routes organization laid out a route through the Appalachians I was ready to go. I floated the idea at our Cleveland BMW Club‘s weekly breakfast and a group of guys who ride adventure bikes jumped at the idea. Duncan Cooper volunteered to organize the ride and we were off and running.

“A scenic ride for dual-sport and adventure motorcycles
that uses dirt, gravel and paved roads
to wind through remote parts of Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania.
Starting in Damascus Virginia, and ending in Lawrenceville, Tioga County, PA,
this 1,080-mile route, primarily uses forest roads and rural country lanes,
to lead riders through the Appalachian mountains, majestic forests, bucolic farming
landscapes,Amish country, and locations that played pivotal roles in early American history.”
(MABDR website)