The first day of our big adventure. Our plan is to make it to the Depot Lodge in Paint Bank, VA, just over 200 miles.

The MABDR route was originally laid out in eight segments intended to be ridden in eight days, but we decided to do it in six. Our route today covers the first 188 miles plus another 20 or so to and from our motels. The dark blue line above is the main MABDR route that includes dirt and gravel roads. The thinner red lines (difficult) and green lines (easy) are alternate options laid out by GPSKevin who leads rides of the MABDR.

We planned to have breakfast at Cracker Barrel next door at 8 AM, and leave at 9 AM. I don’t think I was the last one ready but I suppose could have been. But I was the only one who didn’t have a full tank of gas so I went next door to fill up. Anyway, when I returned the hose to the pump I looked up and there they all were, looking at me with that “come on already” look. So we got off soon after 9.

The roads didn’t disappoint. After a few miles of paved roads we got onto gravel and dirt , the kind of roads we came for, and all was well. These roads are so small, and follow the contours of the land so closely, that you feel as if you are part of the landscape you are passing through. Very different from riding the interstates.
A video captures some of the look and feel (and dust) of the riding we were experiencing. Here the road is 2-track along a ridge and steep side hill, the grass growing in the middle provides evidence of little use. No guard rails, and none needed.

After a tiring day Coop, Steve, and Mike ham it up in the flora behind our cabin. We were far away from “civilization” tonight, with no cell phone or internet service, and that explains why I was late posting on today’s ride.