No more gravel and dirt… it was all highways today. I rode U.S. 6 across northern PA for an hour before jogging north to get on the Interstate the rest of the way home.

The other guys all left this morning around 8 AM or even earlier, but I lounged around a bit, had my coffee, and then added yesterday’s ride to my website.
U.S. 6 is one of my favorite highways. Northern PA terrain is mainly forested mountains and valleys, sparsely populated, and a popular destination for hunters and outdoor enthusiasts. The highway is not heavily traveled and has nice sweepers and some uphills and downhills. Fall colors were just beginning to show today.
There are main highways, and then there are the interstates. Traffic, constant 70 mph, no steep hills or curves leads to boredom, difficulty keeping focus, and sore butt from not moving around on the bike. Guard rails made of cables and angle irons like the one here send shivers up my spine every time I encounter them.

5 PM, and I was happy to be home. It was a very good ride, all 1720 miles of it, but it was definitely good to get home. I’ll wash my riding suit and the bike later this week, and then get the Heideneau’s (tires) off and the Anakee’s back on, and the F700 will handle like a different bike. Guys in the group are already talking about our next ride!